Central Finance
4400 Fredericksburg Road, Suite 120
San Antonio, TX 78201
Are you getting married as inexpensively as possible? For those who aren't inclined toward a big, splashy party, a slimmed-down wedding is the way to go. But how should you pay for these budget nuptials? One method that you might easily overlook is with a small personal loan. This type of loan can actually help you in many ways. Here are five financial and emotional benefits from taking this route.
1. The Loan Sets the Budget for You
When you borrow a set amount of money for the wedding, you have a natural, built-in wedding budget. This can simplify your life immensely because it takes all the guesswork out of setting that budget - something that some couples never manage to do at all.
A couple, for instance, that applies for a fixed personal loan with a maximum possible amount of $1,000 or $2,000 can't access more than this due to the nature of a signature loan. If you're not good at settling on a single number, this makes the choice for you.
2. Wedding Funds Aren't Mingled
By using an outside source for your wedding funds, you avoid mixing these funds with money for other purposes. It won't take away from regular monthly operational expenses. This money won't need to come from one partner or the other but rather as a couple. And it can be kept separate from contributions or gifts you receive before or after the big day. You'll have a clear understanding of how much you've spent and what's left.
3. You Get the Money Up-Front
The ability to have money at the outset of any size of wedding arrangements can be quite a money-saver. You are able to take advantage of early payment discounts or put up larger down payments on wedding services to avoid extra fees. You can buy what you need when it goes on sale or when it's available cheaper in bulk. And you won't need to take on more expensive vendor financing plans.
4. Payment Plans Are Set
Even a repayment arrangement is simplified when you take a small loan. That's because the payment terms are locked in before you access the money rather than subject to debate after the money is spent. Personal loans have equal monthly payments so you don't have to worry about higher payments in any given month or changes in the interest rates.
As a new couple, you can avoid unnecessary tension because you both know exactly what's expected and when. You can even get started on repayment before the ceremony arrives.
5. You Have Built-In Excuses
Many couples planning a small, inexpensive affair face challenges from those around them who think a wedding should be grander. It can be very hard to say 'no' to well-meaning relatives, vendors who want to convince you to upgrade, and the entire wedding industry's constant upselling.
On the other hand, a couple who has a limited, preset budget simply loses the option of giving in to these wedding pressures. You can't add to the guest list because it's not in the budget. You can't overspend on a dress because it's not in the budget. And you aren't planning cocktail hour for many attendants because it's not in the budget. These reasons feel less personal and easier for all to understand.
Can you make your modest nuptials easier by any of these unexpected perks of using a small loan? If so, start learning more about your loan choices by talking with a reputable lender today. Central Finance
can help. We offer a variety of options for couples on any budget. Call today for more information.
Central Finance
4400 Fredericksburg Road, Suite 120
San Antonio, TX 78201
Phone: 210-736-5626
Email: centralfinancesa@gmail.com
Central Finance
901 W. Tyler Rd
Harlingen, TX 78550
Phone: 956-412-0114
Email: centralfinancehgn@gmail.com
Central Finance
2310 Avenue Q
Lubbock, TX 79411
Phone: 806-749-2274
Email: centralfinancelbk@gmail.com
Central Finance
257 Fannin St.
Abilene, TX 79603
Phone: 325-676-7775
Email: centralfinance.abi@gmai.com
Central Finance
616 W Calton Rd #6
Laredo, TX. 78041
Phone: 956-722-4400
Email: centralfinancelaredo@gmail.com
Central Finance
39 Aldine Bender Rd SUITE D,
Houston, TX 77060
Phone: 281-445 -5454
Email: centralfinancehouston@gmail.com